Friday 23 December 2011

Singapore label Amado Gudek: statement jewellery made with love

When I choose accessories, I hardly ever do delicate. Accessories are meant to stand out and add character to a plain outfit so the more it is a ‘statement’ piece, the better! Big, bold and full of colour is what makes them distinctive.

So it’s no surprise that when I went to Dulcetfig (aka accessories heaven – read about it here) on Haji Lane, the first things to catch my eye were Amado Gudek colourful raisin-made pieces.

What makes Amado Gudek accessories stand out is first and foremost their unusual inspirations which push the boundaries on what makes an interesting piece of jewellery. Case in point is that for the latest collection, the designer behind the label, Elaine Tan, took inspiration from the Anti-Antler – as a slight mockery on how deer are constantly hunted for their antlers whether for Chinese medicinal reasons or just decorative ones.

Statement necklaces Amado Gudek's newest collection 'Anti-Antler'
where each color is named after a famous reindeer. The red one
on the far right is called Rudolph of course :-)!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Vintage shopping: The Good Old Days in Bugis Village

In order to tell you about my recent find, I have to make a confession: When I’m feeling down or got nothing to do I love going to Bugis Village. I mean what else can cheer me up other than getting lost in a maze of street stalls, playing loud music (from hip-hop to K-pop) and selling cheap knick knacks and fashions from Asia? You certainly can’t beat that! Although I rarely come out with a purchase (except for those 3 for S$10 earrings), the street atmosphere there with everybody bargain-hunting lightens up my mood and reminds me of bargain-shopping with my mom back home in Beirut.

Getting to know what to expect in there, I never thought I would find something more than the usual which for me translates as visual inspiration but nothing interesting. But there I was, yesterday, stuck in the rain and browsing when I saw the coolest little vintage shop floating alone in the sea of overcrowded stalls selling lookalike Chinese and Thai goods.

The handmade sign of The Good Old Days tells it all

Monday 19 December 2011

Celebrating 5 years of DEPRESSION… the label

It was obvious on Saturday evening that those people who turned out en masse for DEPRESSION party weren’t there for the free drinks, food, goodie bags or to show off. People seemed to genuinely love the label itself and who can blame them for that!

The event was one of the very few I’ve been to where people seemed to be enjoying themselves. Almost everybody was in black-and-white, the trademark colours of the label (read more about it here). Of course I had some colour on me (duh!) but still, even my glittery floral jacket failed to alienate me from the rest of the crowd who were super friendly.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Depression: A Singapore label that doesn’t live up to its name

Singapore label Depression is holding a party for its new store in Cathay Cineleisure over the weekend.

But because I’ll mostly be blogging about the event next week, I figured it a must to introduce people to the clothes this week.

Luckily for us, this is one label that doesn’t live up to its name…thank goodness! Depression is anything but. Instead, this Singaporean brand pushes out eye-catching and sometimes visually challenging clothes with ease.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Scarlet Carlson, Noel Caleb and Jason: Three things I learned at the Circa Xmas event

They said you should learn something new every day, so last Sunday was an extraordinary day as I learned not one but three interesting things about the Singaporean fashion scene while at Circa (Parco Millenia Walk).

The event itself was multi-purpose one, aiming to celebrate the first year anniversary of local label Scarlet Carlson, announcing and briefing the fashion design competition by clothing label Noel Caleb, and showcasing another local menswear label Jason.

So here’s what I learned...

Cornelyus from Scarlet Carlson label cutting the cake and
flanked by JR Chan from JASON (2nd left) and Eileen from
Noel Caleb (far right)